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Signature lockups define relationships within the university.

Primary Type A – Monogram + Lockup

Primary Type B – N+Motto + Lockup

Informal Lockup

Primary Type A – Monogram + Lockup

Primary Type B – N+Motto + Lockup

Informal Lockup

Primary Type A – Monogram + Lockup

Primary Type B – N+Motto + Lockup

Informal Lockup

General Guidelines
Primary—Type A

The Primary—Type A lockup combines Northeastern’s Wordmark, the Monogram, and the college or department name. This version is flexible and works in both small and large sizes.

Primary—Type B

The Primary—Type B, or N + Motto, lockup is a bold variation of the standard lockup. It’s one of our signature marks, but it works best in large formats.

Note: This version works best in print and must meet minimum size requirements in digital and print spaces.


The most flexible of the signatures, this version may be used on its own or combined with any of the core university marks.

Minimum Size

All Signature Lockups can be sized down until the height of the “N” is 15 pixels high in digital environments or 1/8 of an inch in print environments.

Clear Space

The clear space around the lockup should be equal to half the height of the N.


Offices, schools, colleges, and institutes that are official entities of Northeastern University will receive an official Northeastern lockup package. The Marketing team is responsible for vetting and designing all official signature marks.  

On a case-by-case evaluation, we’ll determine if departments, labs, initiatives, and centers will receive an official lockup. The following groups do not qualify for a logo: individuals, student organizations, affinity groups, places/locations, and buildings. Below is additional guidance.


Having numerous lockups dilutes the university’s brand and adds clutter to Northeastern’s visual landscape. In general, only departments within a school or college receive lockups; the division’s lockup is often the best way to communicate your group’s official connection to Northeastern University and department lockups within the division/unit are typically unnecessary.

However, in instances when it is important for your audience to know the office behind the communications, we have created the option for a department lockup. Those exceptions must meet the following criteria:

  • The lockup must be necessary for your department’s operations. 
  • Your department is outward facing, interacting often with students or other community members. 
  • It’s not immediately apparent what connection there is between your office and its division or your office/department has name recognition greater than your division. 


Initiatives are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and whether one qualifies for a lockup must be approved by Marketing. Below are a few considerations around whether an initiative qualifies for a lockup. Please contact [email protected] if you feel you meet these criteria and we will get back to you within two weeks with an answer.

  • The initiative must be universitywide and sanctioned by the president’s office or the provost’s office. 
  • It must be multifaceted enough that it can’t really be defined or administered by any one, two, or three entities—examples include the Public Art Initiative, the Faculty Hiring Initiative, Impact Engines, and the Sustainability and Resilience Initiative. No one can really claim singular ownership of these and the purpose aligns with brand values and goals.  
  • Those initiatives that are approved for a logo will receive a two-tier lockup, not a custom mark.

Student Organizations and Affinity Groups  

Student organizations and affinity groups are welcome to create their own logos or continue use of existing logos to identify their organization. All student logos are subject to review and change by the Marketing team. 

  • Do not include or incorporate trademarks licensed by Northeastern University, including logos or icons. 
  • Do not include any words, symbols, or images that might reflect poorly on Northeastern University. 
  • Do not use NEU in your logo or group’s name; this is an outdated abbreviation. 

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