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Style for Degrees


The following is a list of the most common abbreviations for colleges and degree codes used at Northeastern University. The degree code for the college at the time of the alumnus’ graduation should be used.

In marketing materials and communications that mention a Northeastern alumnus or alumna, use degree or college codes only in internally facing communications. For externally facing communications, spell out the college, major, degree, and/or year of graduation in a manner that supports the narrative.

For an internal audience: Jane Smith, L’13, was just named a partner of the law firm.

For an external audience: Jane Smith, who graduated from Northeastern’s School of Law in 2013, was just named a partner of the law firm.

AMD College of Arts, Media, and Design

AP Master of Science in Accounting

AS College of Arts and Sciences

DMSB D’Amore-McKim School of Business

BB Boston Bouvé College

BHD Bouvé College of Human Development Professions

BHS Bouvé College of Health Sciences

BPH Bouvé College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

CAGS Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study

CIS College of Computer and Information Science

CJ College of Criminal Justice

CPS College of Professional Studies

CS College of Computer Science

DLP Doctor of Law and Policy

DMSB D’Amore-McKim School of Business

DPT Doctor of Physical Therapy

E College of Engineering

Ed College of Education

EdD Doctor of Education

FD Forsyth Dental

GB Graduate School of Bouvé College

H Honorary Degree

KCS Khoury College of Computer Sciences

L School of Law

LA College of Liberal Arts

LC Lincoln College

LI Lincoln Institute

MA Master of Arts

MBA Master of Business Administration

MCS Master of Computer Science

ME Master of Engineering

MEd Master of Education

MFA Master of Fine Arts

MJ Master of Criminal Justice

MP Master of Science in Pharmacy

MPA Master of Public Administration

MPH Master of Pharmacy and Allied Health

MPS Master of Professional Studies

MS Master of Science

N College of Nursing

P College of Pharmacy

PA Graduate School of Professional Accounting

PAH College of Pharmacy and Allied Health

PhD Doctor of Philosophy

S College of Science

SET School of Engineering Technology

SPCS School of Professional and Continuing Studies

SSH College of Social Sciences and Humanities

UC University College

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