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Our Athletics brand works in conjunction with the core Northeastern brand but creates a distinctive look and feel.

Use of these elements are restricted to Athletics. Please reach out to Athletics Marketing for more information.

Color palette

Our primary colors—black, white, and red—are intended to be used in a specific hierarchy. Red should be used to reinforce the Northeastern brand and should be incorporated into every piece of collateral.

35% Black

Black C
HEX #00000
RGB 0 0 0
CMYK 0 0 0 100

35% White

RGB 225 225 225
CMYK 0 0 0 0

27% Red

186 U
HEX #C8102E
RGB 200 16 46
CMYK 0 100 80 5

3% Gold

446 C
HEX #C8A978
RGB 200 169 120
CMYK 23 32 60 0


The Athletics brand uses Northeastern’s core brand typography Real Head Pro and Lato (digital applications). In addition, the following typography is used across the Athletics brand. 

United Sans Condensed

Our primary Athletics typography. Preferred weights are Heavy, Bold and Medium.  

Trim Poster

Allowed for use in marketing and media. Do not use for team names.  


Allowed for use in marketing and media. Do not use for team names. 


Should be used sparingly in marketing and media. Please use Athletics Script Wordmark when used on uniforms.

By working together, our brand is stronger. The university has a strict Brand Governance policy for review and approval of all media plans and creative assets before they go into market.

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